Thursday, May 6, 2010

Due to no demand...

Due to no demand Bulu's back. Ive been having a hectic schedule and could not find time to update my blog. Since class finished early today, I took a nap, and im awake enough to update this blog.

The Hulu Selangor by-election has been a hot topic last month. Even Citizens from outside the constituency of Hulu Selangor was in a way involved in the elections. As a sensible citizen I did vote for PKR, their loss was sour news to me,however I half-expected them to lose. First and foremost our dear Zaid Ibrahim didnt have the greatest approach to the residents of Hulu Selangor. Instead of walking around the town and chatting up with residents, he waved from his big SUV. Instead of promising improvements, he discussed about flaws in the Scorpene submarine deal. As a Hulu Selangor resident would you give a rat's ass about submarines?

But what's done is done and the BN coalition should be happy. However there are some cow brained fools who decide to use the BN victory to disrupt unity. Before Ibrahim sues me for defamation lets take a look back on what he has said:

1.The Chinese should not benefit from the privellages as they poorly supported the coalition.
2.The Chinese should repent.
3.And God knows what else?

Present this to the executives of the European Union they would be facing prosecution for violation of Article 14 of The Human Rights Act which prohibits discrimination. Before some idiot tells me well this is Malaysia not an European Country. Im just pointing out how civilized the Europeans are.These statements made by the Perkasa chief was probably done without thinking. The current Prime Minister is hoping to install unity among citizens, and he does this. As a chinese they would feel persecuted and offended by his statements. To say his statements are not racist is absurd. The fact that he mentioned race was already racism. Even if Barisan National followed what was said by Perkasa, wouldnt it give a bad image to the coalition party and cost them votes in the next general elections? Addition to that our dear Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hassan says there is nothing wrong with what Perkasa has mentioned. Ill leave you to comment about Muhyiddin by yourself as im afraid of the ISA.

Its a little sad that we still have people who think that this should be a malay nation only. The other races played their part in building the nation. If it were not for the chinese we would not be enjoying the GDP we have now. If it were not for them our current lifestyle would not exist. The sad part is, for the tremendous effort they did or the country they were poorly rewarded. Reward not by merit Reward by race. 1MALAYSIA!