Sunday, December 13, 2009

she literally makes my heart beat faster

She keeps doing that. She keeps making worry. Ive liked girls before,but this is different, I dont want her I need her. I always had a reason to go back to sleep each time mom wakes me up. But after her, when I wake up I scream her name. A rich man with something valuable like money, doesnt care bout anything besides loosing the money. Ive found something more valuable than money, and I do not wanna loose it. She literally gives me palpatitions everyday,I's do anything to her and for her. I love her dearly, she has spend thousands for me, she has cried rivers because of me,she sacrificed holidays to be with me,she lied to many for me, she never will do that for anyone,and if that aint love I dont know what love is. But what have I done for her? I think im the most useless boyfriend at times. And when I come up with a blog like this I think im the best bf, and gosh she still is with me. I would do anything for her, i LOVE HER SO MUCH, She makes me complete.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hammer to the face..needle through the heart...

Finding the right one was like finding a needle in a haystack. I found my needle and I let it go, to be a better provider. I didnt expect to come back and find out my needle went through my own heart. He stole everything that means something to me, he stole my life. All the the things that I was happy about was taken away instantly. Those things kept me alive in this hell hole I call home. I dont have a happy home, she gave me a home and I loved it, now he took it away. Its all my fault, I shouldnt have left, but I cant live without her. She's in my mind always and forever, I didnt leave to go do something stupid, I left to find God to better for her. I love her so much and it kills me knowing what's happening now. I literally lost my life, I was happier when my drunk dad was hitting me, it's more painful now. I wanna be a better provider for her I hope she allows me. I dont look like a dark skinny monster from Space Jam, I look like a normal guy at least, I dont have the face which makes girls go WOOOT!, I dont have the words to make a girl go WOOT!, but I know how to make her go WOOOOOOOOOOT! He makes her happy but she says I am the one, I am her type but she cant leave him cause she likes him,she loves me but she likes him. It's hard for me to go through this pain, but ill go through a field of needles just for her. My lungs are clean from nicotine, and I dont look like Appu, I need her care more than he does, your the only one I want,your not number seventeen. I wudn't kiss no one else, Ill do more than make you happy, Ill do more than make you like me, he stole alot dont let him steal more, I need to be alive. Can he write like this!!? I dont think so! This is some Stephanie Mayer shit! PICK ME PLSS!Dont listen to the one that says look at stars! Listen to the one that says look into my heart!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I just declared myself a follower of Christ by water baptism, and i'm so proud of it. I love God more than anything and , he's the best dad I have ever had, but I think im the worst child he ever had. My God loves his children so dearly, but the sins we do separates us from him, each time we lie or steal drives us further from him. God is love and all he does is love us, that's why he created us to express his love. God doesn't want us to go further from him, so he sent his only son Lord Jesus Christ to be punished for our sins. For example if we stole something and we were in Court being sentenced, Jesus stands infront us to take that punishment. Our God loves us so much that he would take our punishments, our God would do that, just so that we do not get separated from him.
Im a sinner and I do not want to sin anymore, but it's just so hard, and I bet alot teens feel this way. But if you keep asking God for forgiveness, he always listen and He always wants to help. But beware of the Devil, he'll say things like you shouldt ask for forgiveness anymore, you keep sinning and God's going to get so fed up! But let me tell you the world can get dissapointed in you, your parents will get dissapointed in you, but God will not cause He understands. The Bible is God's words, and it's written by people who were inspired by God. God is so powerful, and his power is beyond anything. The Bible says love God will your heart, and love others as much as you love yourself. We christians love God so much, we want to do what he asks us to do, God wants all his children to be saved, and according to The Bible he needs us to do that.So people do not understand why we preach to non-christians at times, we live according to The Bible, and we just want to do what God wants us to do.We do not want to force we just want to tell, and i believe its up to people to receive and respect how they want to receive it and we should not pester.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Michael Jackson

I hate it so much when people became Mj fans after his death, I was a fan since I was three, then I was scared of his Thriller video and I was in awe when he did his moonwalk. It's so hard for the world to accept people like this man, if someone only wants to do good, they find something bad about them. Hhile cared bout our planet Earth and he loved cdren cause they're the only hope for a better future. But we didnt bother bout that part of him, we only cared bout what's he gonna do with his nose, or which child he sodomized. I still do not know an artist who makes good music, good videos and still maintains a good concious heart. Instead of thanking him we caused him a great deal of problems, bu that man was strong,each time we pushed him down he got back up, cause he knew his purpose on Earth was not complete, he needed to see this world be a much better place and that's what I love so much about that man. God Bless him.

The homophobia dilema

It isn't unnatural for the people of today to condemn homosexuality, some religion condemns it, mainstream media too sometimes condemn this form of orientation, being called gay has been a way of mocking someone. Im of Christian faith and I declare Christ is my saviour and i'm his follower, so now I do not agree with homosexuality, but that doesn't mean I have to force others to stop being a homosexual, or be rude to them on the streets. According to the Bible and even the Quran, God created man for woman, so if i disagree with this I go against God, it is also said in the Bible that God destroyed the city of Sodom for their immoral acts. If my friend told me he/she is a homosexual, i'll tell them what the Bible says and it's up to them to receive it. If they don't ill respect them, i'll still be their buddy, and continue the way we were. If there is a proposition to allow gay marriage , I would vote yes, because it isn't my place to disallow civil rights to others, I would even join Homosexual rights groups and fight for their rights. We are on planet Earth and we were supposed to fulfill our purpose not prevent people's rights. It's not for me to judge or stone them, I leave it to fair Judge above. When i'm here I would only promote peace and love, although it's immoral to me, homosexuals practice love and not hate, a man loves a man, and a woman loves a woman, so in a world of hate and war I dont think homosexual love would do any harm. People cant accept homosexuality, but guys watch lesbian pornography. Adam Lambert rubbed a mans head on his pelvis and kissed a guy, if Pussycat Dolls did that I dont think the world would be too angry. In my opinion I think we should inform homosexuals about our religious views to accomplish our religious duties, but we shouldn't prevent them. Im straight but ill continue to be open to homosexuality.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's only the first step...

Bulu's back! My last blog's stand was about racism,but that's the first step to what I want the world to practice. I want a world where Love is a culture, if everyone loves everyone can there be wars, famine ,children lacking education and massacres? These inhumane activities comes from hate and not love! These days it's easier to hate and not love, these days it's easier to initiate wars and not peace-treaties. To me Malaysia is a succesful country where there is more love than hate despite certain events. I've seen Indians having Malay neighbours and living happily, their children play soccer and ride bicycles together. But certain events has caused an uproar in racial tolerance, and I blame politics. Because the ruling government is chosen by the majority, the governments policy favors the majority, but we tend to forget about what minority wants. This would result in hate,spite and violence. If the minority gets their way the majority succumbs to violent measures. So politics results to a lose-win situation all the time and this makes the losers pretty unhappy. Well that's my view on politics. Anyway, I would like to know how people go to bed knowing that a child starves to death every minute? What if it was your child? Teens around the world realize what's happening, but the love triangle between Bella,Jacob and Edward seems to important. Kids in Africa dont even have the chance to watch a movie in the cinemas, I predict that whoever reads this is gonna be sad for that moment till they get to their facebook and start answering a quiz.

Friday, November 27, 2009

What happened?

Hey my name is Arjun. I go by the name bulu cause that's my nickname in school. I think you're smart enough to guess why the call me that. People, we are constantly bombardered with stories relating with war,terrorism,earthquakes,hurricanes,tsunamis,assasinations, and massacres. I'm a christian, and the way I get to know God contradicts with many cultures, but still me and my friends of many cultures live together in peace and we happily share and accept information bout our cultures. If sixteen year old students could practice love and tolerance like this why can't activities like ethnic cleansing happening in third world countries stop? I have seen videos of people burning others on the streets just beacause they are of different ethnicity. To me this is a more violent version of racism. In Malaysia racism is almost everywhere, I know alot of people who tend to make racist remarks. But people how can we achieve what we want to achieve when our mindsets are like this! We want to be successful and modernized but our thinking is so old fashioned or 'kolot'! There will always be a language barrier, but that doesnt mean that one should critic another race, we shouldn't look at someone and let our first impression be their race. When we talk bout someone we tend to say 'that malay person' or 'that chinese person' or 'that indian person', something which seems so miniscule and innocent like this is what leads to racism. We may say there's 20 million ppl here and its just a way to describe a person. But isn't there other ways to do it? What we need is a world of peace,love and tolerance. Wouldnt it be nice not to hear about wars in the news! Would it better to hear stories about how children in third world countries receiving enough food,shelter and education. The world knows bout suffering of others, when they see war and massacre in the news,they get sad for the moment,and they forget about it after dinner. Its time we change, we are all the same, none of us can stand suffering, some of us cant stand seeing others suffer,lets all love each other so that the killing and the famine stops. We talk bout human rights and global warming! But the problem is we talk bout it not act about it! We talk bout human rights but children in gaza continue to suffer! We talk bout global warming but we still leave the lights on for no reason! Let me tell you this isnt me alone! We know God doesnt want this! I give all my thanks to God for this! For I love him so much!